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fitness equipment的相關標籤

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關於fitness equipment的評價, Zuzie

เชื่อป่ะว่านี่คือชุดออกกำลังกายของเราจริงๆเวลาเล่นอยู่บ้าน 🤪 #quarantine #quarantinelife IBEX Fitnes...

被揪去Akiwei健身小隊團練見識一下,結果器材都坐不住…實在很沒耐心和毅力阿…(其實我只是去看猛男的啦),結果啥都不會,只會爬來爬去😂 My friend asked me to participate in the Akiwei fitness team group exercise. As a result, I didn’t have the patience to use fitness equipment to practice (I’m not going to work out, I’m just going to see a macho), Because I don’t know how to use equipment and I only can do is to climb everywhere 😂
